voice marketing

[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_5d90957e56487″ ][st_column span=”span12″][st_text id_wrapper=”text_16efb5a76e978b6a9854cdf3bec5ac63″ ]As with so many things around us in the technologically advanced world in which we live today when it comes to the method of communicating with the customer using digital marketing provides companies with many different tools, techniques and means for getting the unique value proposition of the company out through to identified target market customers. Various digital marketing tools that are commonly used within search engine as well as social media marketing channels are …[/st_text][st_row_2 id_wrapper=”elm_5d90af96ac630″ ][st_column_2 span=”span7″][st_spacer id_wrapper=”spacer_5ba96911a1970924c6cd4acff9659248″ ][/st_spacer][st_text id_wrapper=”text_88d20440515ffbf4bf3f3bda7aeec0d3″ ]

  • Video Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Micro Blogging
  • Podcasting
  • Blogging
  • Article Marketing
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

[/st_text][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span4″][st_divider div_border_color=”#a60606″ align=”center” id_wrapper=”” ][/st_divider][st_image image_file=”https://www.capidhouser.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/voice-marketing-digital.png” image_size_wrapper=”” image_size=”full” link_type=”url” image_type_url=”http://voicemarketing.capidhouser.com/” open_in=”current_browser” id_wrapper=”image_fd5cb733201f8d6077144c41a09bb3cf” ][/st_image][st_divider div_border_color=”#a60606″ align=”center” id_wrapper=”divider_beff3ee3d64ca6165ac83a5b88878d94″ ][/st_divider][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span1″][/st_column_2][/st_row_2][st_text id_wrapper=”text_88d20440515ffbf4bf3f3bda7aeec0d3″ ]… and there are of course other digital marketing tools that have become available for the implementation of business development strategies for use by marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, small business owners and work from home employees. With that said in recent times we have been seeing the emergence of that which is termed Voice Marketing which has been driven by the increasing use of home and office installed voice activated smart speakers.[/st_text][st_text id_wrapper=”text_10b2578696db764f885c2a042173f7e1″ ]These voice activated speakers [which it makes sense to remember are being installed within company offices as well as home residences alike] have opened up another sub digital marketing channel that allow for companies to deliver marketing communications direct to business to business as well as business to consumers customers. This form of direct marketing has never been seen before as we consider how companies are looking more and more to gain a competitive advantage within the market place by maintaining top of mind awareness by giving customers the information they desire in relation to key products and services at the point in time that they require it.[/st_text][st_text id_wrapper=”text_0dd9ff8e72224124b96db17ad58a0837″ ]It allows small businesses to compete with large corporate companies as now; they will be able to refine their go to marketing value proposition messages that are now able to reach target market customers [whether they be marketing to other businesses or direct to the end user customer] wherever they may be in terms of geography and of course the cost of doing so as compared to in the past has now been equalised.[/st_text][st_text id_wrapper=”text_09dc20cf1f153bf32fb3e0d048e66ead” ]Consider the case where a corporate company requires for example the latest digital marketing news and they have a smart speaker installed in their offices, they utilise voice marketing to obtain the information and they could come across Capid Houser’s voice digital marketing broadcasts, consume the quality information that we provide – which in turn could lead to a contract for our digital marketing agency uk as we look to continue with the expansion of some of the international clients [such as Swatch Group China, Iveco Trucks, Vienna Airport] that we have worked with in the past. In days gone by this breadth of reach in terms of marketing would only be possible for large corporates due to the costs involved.[/st_text][st_heading text_align=”right” id_wrapper=”heading_3eb356a0220046463b4f0dcee77a1b9b” ]Amazon Alexa Flash Briefings[/st_heading][st_row_2 id_wrapper=”elm_5d91dc2c148f0″ ][st_column_2 span=”span1″][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span3″][st_image image_file=”https://www.capidhouser.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/voice-digital-marketing-amazon-alexa.png” image_size_wrapper=”” image_size=”full” id_wrapper=”image_2bbe5839c5782b2d23d3423be9c57211″ ][/st_image][/st_column_2][st_column_2 span=”span8″][st_text id_wrapper=”text_455d7e55489084847f152080aa914ec4″ ]With some fifity five percent of domestic households with the USA set to have Amazon Alexa devices installed by the year 2022, this will enable marketing professionals to make use of this form of digital channel [amazon alexa flash briefings] marketing in order to deliver their business development and marketing strategy communications directly to a potential 100 Million Amazon Alexa End Users. Consider how Capid Houser’s service offering can enable any business to now let millions of Amazon Alexa users consumer their marketing content daily straight from their devices – an ultimate for of voice digital marketing that can add to the methods used to build a business.[/st_text][/st_column_2][/st_row_2][st_text id_wrapper=”text_b3efc67b51e80ce12814ec5cb0b45f6c” ]With tens of billions of dollars of sales of company products and services set to be driven directly as a results of  the information delivered through Amazon Alexa devices, it does remain to be seen how many companies jump [from a strategic perspective] to modify their go to market strategies using voice marketing for businesses in order to gain and maintain market share.[/st_text][st_heading tag=”h3″ id_wrapper=”heading_144187297a24391b72d3aea2ad70071c” ]And In Conclusion …[/st_heading][st_text id_wrapper=”text_b7cf2b71ba5a81d5ca8de08e4a8b0a06″ ]The question that needs to be answered by corporations, small businesses as well as marketing professionals all around the world is are they going to ignore this particular form of digital communications which has been given the terminology voice marketing strategy development; as by doing so the opportunities exist for companies to be able to bring in a large amount of new customers as well as purchasers for the business in question – as you read this article as a marketing professional, digital marketer or business manager – check out our audio marketing strategy information page, then please do take the survey and book in an audio and voice digital marketing strategy and let us set up your company’s amazon alexa flash briefings in order to accelerate your business strategy.[/st_text][/st_column][/st_row][st_text id_wrapper=”text_455d7e55489084847f152080aa914ec4″ ]With some fifity five percent of domestic households with the USA set to have Amazon Alexa devices installed by the year 2022, this will enable marketing professionals to make use of this form of digital channel [amazon alexa flash briefings] marketing in order to deliver their business development and marketing strategy communications directly to a potential 100 Million Amazon Alexa End Users. Consider how Capid Houser’s service offering can enable any business to now let millions of Amazon Alexa users consumer their marketing content daily straight from their devices – an ultimate for of voice digital marketing that can add to the methods used to build a business.[/st_text]

Capid Houser

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