Why Companies Should Use Push Notifications

why companies should use push notifications

Mobile marketing has been around for a while now. The mobile marketing industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years. In fact, there are a lot of mobile marketing experts who have come up with different ideas on how to market the products, goods and services delivered into the marketplace via Continue Reading…

What Are Digital Business Cards

digital business cards

Now Any Company Is Able To Share Their Contact Details with Potential Customers ANYWHERE – & ANYTIME all via One Tap Of Any Mobile Phone Business cards have been around for many years. They were originally made of paper and contained the contact details of the person to whom they were given. Nowadays, business cards Continue Reading…

Website Development And Digital Marketing

website design and digital marketing

Website Development And Digital Marketing One of the important factors of success for a modern business on the Internet today is the company website. This forms which is a dynamic marketing tool for any organisation to be able to succeed in the midst of progressive digital technologies which are constantly changing that businesses operating in Continue Reading…

Progressive Mobile Apps And Website Design

Progressive Mobile Apps And Website Design

One of the primary reasons of having a customized business website is for the customers to have the ability to gain a full overview of the business development path normally through the use of a digital marketing funnel. The website design and development agency will work with the business owner and marketing professional in order Continue Reading…

Digital Marketing Consultant

Capid Houser is a functioning digital marketing agency that has worked on internet marketing for business projects for companies such as Swatch Group China, OMV Petrom & Iveco Trucks. In recent years the bulk of the work is conducted for SMEs, startups and entrepreneurs who are looking to scale their organisations and to broaden the Continue Reading…

digital marketing strategy plan

digital marketing strategy planning

It is said that “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is especially true when it comes to the digital marketing world as more and more companies are looking to make sure that they [the business brand, products and services] are visible on the internet – this is increasingly implemented through the use of Continue Reading…

digital marketing for small businesses

digital marketing for small businesses

Digital marketing is the term that most people involved in running a business will be well aware of, it speaks about promoting and advertising products, goods and services within the online world. It is in fact a broad term and that can be applied to the vast range of different internet marketing for business strategies Continue Reading…

below the line digital marketing

In the world of marketing in general there are many moving parts and changes in terms of terminology and also when it comes to tools and techniques that can be made use of in order to enhance the way that target market customers are interfaced with. No matter what aspect of marketing is used or Continue Reading…

facebook’s pixel and social media marketing

Many company’s, business owners and marketing departments that have a presence on Facebook do not have the pixel installed on their website [we know this to be true because we use this as part of our analysis to find Facebook Marketing Clients]. Many companies may just not be aware of the pixel and of how Continue Reading…

Influencer digital viral Marketing

Influencer digital viral Marketing

Which aspect of digital marketing Is Best For Companies Most business are actively looking for tools and techniques that they can make use of in order to increase the conversations target market customers are having in relation to the company, its associated brand along with the products and services that are being sold into the Continue Reading…

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