Website Design And Development Agency
Enhance the reach of your company’s Marketing to connect to an ever increasing amount of people who are using the internet to look for details on and relating to the products and services that your business produce by making use of an expertly designed website that makes use of video marketing and works on all computing devices i.e. desktop computers, smartphones and tablets.
We all know how hard we have to work in order just to get clients to visit our website – largely the business should be making use of ongoing search engine optimization and online content creation to enable those high search engine rankings. So that leads to the question regarding what happens after those existing and potential clients end up visiting your business website.
It is critically important to note that a business website is in fact the face of your company,
it is the brand’s online store & presence and it is important to make sure that clients take your business seriously once they interact with your website and brand online.
Website Design And Development For The Best Visitor Experience
It is from the very moment that a site visitor lands on your website that you will have just seconds to engage with them [using chatbots for marketing is a service that we recommend] that will determine whether or not they remain on your website and read about your company, products and services or they will bounce and go to another internet site (maybe your competitor !!). As a business owner you simply cannot afford to ignore the importance of investing in a well designed website that you adequately represent your company online.
… To Ensure The Best Visitor Experience Key Focus Areas Are …
Internet Design and Website Structure
Page and Web link Errors
Web page Title and Meta Description Issues
Backlinks Review
LINK Architecture
Comprehensive Target Keyword Study
Duplicate Content Study
Latent Symantec Indexing
Content Management Systems Development
CMS design platform. A brief recap of Digital Marketing Website Development Solutions.
- WordPress Theme-based Web Style.
- WordPress Custom-made Web Design.
- WordPress Mobile-Responsive Theme-based Internet Style.
- WordPress Mobile-Responsive Custom-made Web Design.
Installation, Setup and Customization :
We will custom design and develop and upload your business website around the latest wordpess versions. Whatever we produce will be based on the consultation we undertake with you, we will work to agree an appropriate website layout for you based on your business needs which will serve to satisfy the desired objectives and strategies of your business and marketing plans.
Graphic Design for Small Businesses
We design & deliver provide website designs and mockups with industry specific images
- Your company specific images
- Graphics depicted by the market sector of the company
- Engage with customers : product, service & company branding
- Link with various images sharing platforms
Email marketing & other customer interaction specifics
There will also be various addons such as Email Installation and Configuration, Web site Data backup & Migration. Do not take the chance by making use of a sub standard website that could potentially turn clients away. .Make a great impression by employing and expertly designed Mobile-Responsive Website Design & Developed by Capid Houser.
What is a Mobile Responsive Website Design ?
At Capid Houser we design and develop various websites for different industry sectors. However, we focus on creating tailored, responsive websites based upon the WordPress system. This indicates that we will tailor your website based on your specifications. And since your website will be responsive, this means that one version of your business website will load and display correctly on computer devices as touched on above : desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets.
We Utilize WordPress Website Development [most of the time]
WordPress is an incredible content administration system (CMS) and is really flexible to use – we custom design website to work with the wordpress standard interface. It is SEO-friendly and is easy to use. You as a business will be able to easily login to the administration section of the website and update content if the needs arises. WordPress is one of the largest open internet resource platform in the world and has a lot more attributes and “add on” capabilities compared to other design system.
Why We Build Business Mobile Responsive Websites ?
This is for the immediate gains for your small business as we make use of tried and tested search engine marketing for small business strategies to make sure that the website pages gets ranked wihtin the search engines : Researches show that the majority of smartphone owners purchased from their tablet based local search. If your website will not load appropriately on a tablet computer and for mobile phone users they won’t be able to read and understand about your business or be able to navigate appropriately in order to purchase your products or services on your website. It is important to note that in this day and age mobile internet usage has overtaken desktop useage in many instances and circumstances – such as people who are travelling. By buying a mobile responsive web site today, you will be preparing your website and your business to cater for the needs of the clients of the future.
Dealing With Google And Other Search Engine Algorithm Updates.
In addition to being better prepared to work with Capid Houser to
execute a Search Engine Optimization campaign on behalf of your business,
getting a website audit will likewise protect your business website
from the search engine algorithm updates.
In order to make sure that users are served up with the most relevant
results when users are looking for information the search
algorithms simply have to he updates on a regular basis.
When it comes to Google two of the most well know algorithms updates are called Panda and Penguin. Panda updates have been generally targeted at websites with sub standard content and Penguin updates have been developed to target internet spam. If you want for your business website to stay ahead of the competition you are well advised to engage with Capid Houser so that we can execute a Website and Analysis Report on your website.
Some Of Our Internal Development Projects For Specific Market Sectors
Employee Time Tracking, Management & Monitoring Solution for businesses from different market sectors.
Advertising & Digital Marketing Platform For Car Dealerships & Automotive Showrooms.
Complete customer reviews collection platform for brand building using multiple feedback portals.