The Complete Social Media Marketing Campaign Research, Creation & Publication Service For Companies

  • Bespoke Branded Content

  • In Depth Market Research

  • Hashtag Creation

  • Post Specific Images

  • Emojis To Increase Interaction

  • Hands Free Service

  • Content Syndication

  • Post To Major Social Media Accounts

  • P.I.E.R.C.E. Strategy

  • 100% Hands Free System

  • Setup Fee Good For 10 Days

Bonus : Social Media Network Cover Images Redesign

Yes – we redesign all of your Social Media Account header images – inc. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn etc etc : view the social media makeover overview

Welcome to the complete social media content creation publication and marketing service from Capid Houser, this is a Content creation syndication, company branding and product promotion program.

How does it work ? on your company’s behalf we carefully craft engaging social media marketing content that is brand related and provides value to existing customers in order to generate new business leads, this in turn leads to increased revenues through products and service sales. Business owners do need to embrace the fact that each of their social media portal accounts can be utilised as a storefront for promotional purposes and social media marketing needs to be top of mind where business strategy is concerned.

With that said, many business owners do feel overwhelmed when it comes to developing and  executing social media marketing strategies, that is even though doing so will undoubtedly help them to stay ahead of other businesses that are seen to be operating in the same market space through increased social media exposure. What we here at Capid Houser do is to make use of defined processes following the P.I.E.R.C.E. principles i.e.

  • Promotional

  • Inspirational

  • Educational

  • Recreational

  • Conversational

  • Entrepreneurial

We research, create and publish content direct to client accounts in the form of images, videos, text as well as hashtags as all of these components are designed to boost your business on the internet. We emphasize the fact that we use text, emojis, Graphics, hashtags & text content as appropriate and we make each content piece platform specific.

Now back to the P.I.E.R.C.E. strategy – we use a foundation of marketplace analysis to produce engaging and industry specific and product related content with a view to turning followers into customers.

Note that we syndicate the content direct to your social media accounts, and we emphasise the fact that this is a 100% handsfree social media marketing service; enabling you to fully leverage social media marketing in order to expand the reach of your organization by posting to the major social media accounts such as …

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Tumblr
  • Instagram
  • Google my business

… and others as appropriate.

Upon reading and digesting all of the information about - you wil be able to comprehend why we call this the Complete Social Media Marketing Campaign Creation Publication & Syndication Service for companies.

Frequently Asked Questions ...

Can We Promote Our Products & Services In The Social Media Content ?

Yes – remember that we write the content based on the P.I.E.R.C.E. formula, the “P” being the promotional aspect. We will take specific services and products that you wish for customers to learn about, these will be embedded into posts – when posts are shared then these links also get shared, this is one way to expand your company’s presence on the internet.

Why Do We Need To Be Posting Social Media Content Daily ?

Simply put, remember that the internet is made up of content, the more content that your business publishes means that the more of the internet that you own. Here is an opportunity to put your company in the position to own more of the internet.

Can We See Some Sample Social Media Posts ?

Of course – we have prepared some sample social media posts that we have created for some previous clients, you can take a look here …

What is included in Capid Houser's social media marketing service?

– The service includes content creation, syndication, company branding, and product promotion. This involves crafting engaging social media content that aligns with your brand and provides value to your audience, ultimately generating new leads and increasing sales.

How does Capid Houser create content for businesses ?

 – Capid Houser uses a P.I.E.R.C.E strategy, focusing on promotional, inspirational, educational, recreational, conversational, and entrepreneurial content. The team conducts market analysis to ensure the content is industry-specific and engaging.

What platforms does Capid Houser publish content to ?

 – Content is published directly to major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google My Business, among others, ensuring each piece is platform-specific.

How is the content tailored to my brand and industry ?

 – Capid Houser conducts thorough marketplace analysis to understand your industry and craft content that resonates with your target audience while staying true to your brand’s voice and image.

What is the P.I.E.R.C.E strategy ?

 – P.I.E.R.C.E stands for Promotional, Inspirational, Educational, Recreational, Conversational, and Entrepreneurial. This framework guides content creation to ensure a balanced and effective social media presence.

What is meant by content syndication in this context ?

 – Content syndication involves distributing your crafted content across various social media accounts seamlessly, maximizing reach and engagement without requiring hands-on management from the client.

How does Capid Houser ensure content is platform-specific ?

 – The agency tailors each content piece using platform-relevant formats, including text, emojis, graphics, hashtags, and multimedia elements, to optimize engagement and effectiveness on each network.

What kind of businesses can benefit from this service ?

 – Businesses in any industry looking to enhance their social media presence, engage with customers, and increase sales through strategic social media marketing can benefit from Capid Houser’s services.

Why is a social media storefront important for my business ?

 – Treating social media accounts as storefronts allows businesses to showcase products, engage with customers, and promote offers, ultimately driving more traffic and sales.

How can I get started with Capid Houser's social media marketing service ?

– Interested businesses can sign up with Capid Houser to start expanding their social media marketing presence and leverage the agency’s expertise for improved brand visibility and customer engagement.