sample business review grams – posting of google business reviews to social media
Here follows some samples of how we take companies hard earned Google Business Reviews and pass them through our generative AI process and transform them into images that in turn get posted to client social media network accounts. We call these Business Review Grams and it a formulated method of expanding any organisation’s digital marketing footprint through widening the reach of its social media presence.
Here follows some samples of actual client reviews that have been passed through our process as a component of prospecting process. Take a look and we as always look forward to bringing this digital marketing service to mbear on your coompany.
Samples of posting of Google Reviews Images ready for posting to social media
Please do take a look at some of the sample Business Review Grams above which is in fact our process of taking hard earned client reviews and then transforming them into imagew that we then take and post to social media. This has the effect of maximizing the business reviews so that other clients as well as new leads can gain confidence in the organisation.