It is clear for all Small Business Owners and Marketing Executives working for large and small companies alike that they internet has to be somehow used in their business. There is of course a great deal of confusion around when it comes to how to use technology tools such as … Social Media</h4 > Web Continue Reading…
Category: social media marketing
online marketing for business
Building a strong online presence for any business isn’t something that can be achieved overnight, it is also important to note that it isn’t something that can be achieved through having a website that represents your business alone. An effective online presence for businesses of all sizes requires an ongoing cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring Continue Reading…
social media marketing strategy
Once you have fought the fight of gaining exposure from your social media advertising and marketing efforts the real work starts with capitalising and building on the success of your efforts made to date. Many businesses work hard and invest a whole lot in developing their social media marketing profiles. However, lots of them often Continue Reading…
b2b and b2c marketing on the internet
When dealing with how appropriate the internet is for developing strategies for either Business to Business or Business to Consumer we at Capid Houser like to go back to the basics of the basic strategy of the company. Let’s assume that a company is selling it products and services mainly in a Business To Business Continue Reading…
using the internet as a marketing channel for business promotion
We discuss the topic of Channel Marketing from a business’ digital advertising, marketing and other outreach campaigns with a focus on the promotional aspect of search engine and social media marketing all while bearing in mind that this form of promoting and advertising a business fits into the Channel Marketing aspect of a company’s business Continue Reading…