b2b and b2c marketing on the internet

When dealing with how appropriate the internet is for developing strategies for either Business to Business or Business to Consumer we at Capid Houser like to go back to the basics of  the basic strategy of the company.

Let’s assume that a company is selling it products and services mainly in a Business To Business manner, we would in this case recommend that relevant content is created and used to educate the B2B buyers in order to give them confidence in the products, services and operations of the business. This could be used in the form of …

  • Membership Sites
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • PDFs
  • Blogging.

The various forms on content would be appropriated to include …

  • Specifications
  • Testing Results
  • Tolerances
  • White Papers

This is targeted to the B2B marketing professionals so that they will have all of the information they need before they have to ask – putting one company in a stronger position that its competitors. This  would be used for the ‘Push Marketing strategies.

We can also use the internet to create the ‘Pull Marketing strategies as we want the end users to know about the products that they will be purchasing from the B2B channel marketing partner too. But the difference is that the type of information that we service this market segment with would not be detailed specification type information given to the B2B audience. In this case the internet channels such as Forums and Vertical Blogging as well as other video content portals can be used to educate the end user.

So we use the internet for B2B and B2C, the Business customer would be pushing this into the marketing and end users would be asking for & pulling the product from the marketplace. This is strategic Digital Internet Marketing, not just a case of Social Media or any one aspect of Digital Marketing !!

The conclusion is that marketing on the internet for business can be a complicated and multi faceted operation – this is why we at Capid Houser consult with your business on your digital business internet marketing strategies before we implement.

Capid Houser

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